The measure of a great coach is not how many degrees you have or how many books you’ve written – it’s achieving positive, measurable results.”
– Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Leadership Thinker & Executive Coach-

Een boom vertelt zijn geschie-denis, zijn levenskracht.
Een goed geaarde boom heeft groeikansen, zoekt licht.
Een mens die thuiskomt in zijn bron, ziet meer. Benut zijn kansen, neemt weer de regie. Virma Durinck-Lourens, MA HRM PCC CONTACT
My career. I started my career in a Multinational organization within HR in a white male dominated environment. I was the first black woman in this position. I was fortunate to have leaders, management and stakeholders who supported me and showed me the way while remaining open to my HR-professionalism, expertise and facilitation. I felt respected and rewarded and got opportunities to grow and develop myself in my profession and as a human. Through increasing my psychological and social awareness I became effective in connecting with my stakeholders and able to maintain good interpersonal relationship.
Why coaching. As HR-professional being a member of different international leadership teams in a multinational organisation, it was paramount for me to understand the business, the environment and culture I was working in and being a trusted and reliable partner when discussing business issues. I also learned that at all levels people continuously need to develop themselves to cope with new challenges to stay connected and be successful. Based on this experience and my passion to support others in transforming their view to create an environ-ment where people can flourish, coaching was a natural next step for me to achieve this.
Me as Coach. What can I offer you? As a con-fidential partner I can connect with you and offer you a safe space, trust and respect that you are looking for to open up for discussing your themes on the way to find your own solutions. The combination of my experiences with top management and working on programs such as Leadership, Talent, Performance mgt enables me to understand your concerns and needs and support you in your journey. I obtained my Inter-national Professional Certified Coach accredi-tation (PCC) from the International Coach Federation (ICF), and Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered certification (SCCC) etc..